Friday, October 29, 2010

A big boy in the making

I feel like I am forcing Logan to grow up so much more quickly, because we are expecting another child. As I have already said, we are working on potty training and then this week, we decided that since I needed to change his sheets we would see how he did in the twin bed that was already in his room. On Tuesday, we put him down for his naps in the twin bed and he fussed a little, but went to sleep. We figured our big challenge would be that night. Before we went to bed that night, I heard him crying and went back to find that he had fallen out of bed and was totally confused. I put him back in bed and never heard from him until the next morning. We have continued to use the twin bed, in fact the crib doesn't even have sheets on the mattress at this point. This morning after Ben left, at 7:40, Logan came carrying his blanket over to my room. I tried to convince him to climb up in bed with me, but he just looked at me and said "Breakfast." I told him it was still night-night time, but he once again said "Breakfast". I got up, but had to make a pit stop and this didn't make Logan very happy. Once I was finished, we walked out, he went to the pantry and I got his cereal down. He carried the cereal to the counter and then pointed to his bowl. I got it down and then we went to the refrigerator and he helped me carry the milk. I told him to get a spoon and he went over to the drawer, opened it, but wasn't able to reach his spoon. I gave the spoon to him and then carried his cereal to the table. He went to the cupboard and got the peanut butter. (He has seen me put peanut butter on my cheerios and now thinks that his apple jacks should have peanut butter also.) It was very cute how "helpful" he is/was, if only it could have happened a little later in the morning.

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