Friday, October 29, 2010

Baby Update

I have reached the third trimester, which doesn't seem real to me. I don't think that it has sunk in quite yet that shortly after Christmas there will be another member of my family and the fact that we are celebrating Halloween this weekend. I am 29 weeks today, but the pictures that I am going to post were taken on Monday, so I am 28 weeks in the pictures. For the most part, I am feeling good, except I am dealing with some congestion at this point in time. At my last doctor appointment, she said that baby is growing right on schedule. She also said that I passed my glucose test with flying colors and that she has no reason to be concerned. We are still planning to have another ultrasound closer to my due date to check on her size. If she is going to be as big as what Logan was at birth, then we will talk about birthing options (possible induction, c-section, or continue as normal). So I am not sure why I never posted my ultrasound pictures before, but here they are. I know they aren't very big, but if you click on them they should get bigger in another screen. One final note, we think that we have decided on a name. However, it is subject to change until we sign the birth certificate. As of right now, I think that we are going to call her Audrey Joyce after both of our maternal grandmothers.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Hmmm, no, Audrey doesn't work, you need something that ends in 'ella'. I think your choices now are Cinderella, Umbrella, or Rubella. Personally, I think Rubella is a very pretty girl's name, and her nickname could be Mumps.