Friday, October 29, 2010

Logan Stories

I decided to put some fun stories regarding life with a Logan. NOBODY MESSES WITH MY APPLE On Wednesday, October 20 I was in charge of making supper for the Wednesday night crowd at church and I knew that I would have to spend the afternoon and evening at the church. I didn't plan on doing much in the morning, except gathering everything up to take the church. But we thought that Logan had an ear infection, so Ben got up first thing and made Logan an appointment to be seen. I took Logan to the doctor to find out that he has some of the cleanest ears the doctor has ever seen and no ear infection. So that my trip wasn't a complete waste, I asked if they had the flu shot available for dependents (active duty take precedence over dependents). The doctor told me that it was available for children under 3 but she didn't think that it would be available yet for me. Logan got his shot and then we walked to the immunizations clinic just to see if the shot would be available to me. The clinic was quite busy, but I asked anyway. She told me that it was not ready for dependents except for children under 3. Then she looked at me and realized that I was pregnant and said that it was available. The clinic was closing in 15 minutes and she said it was up to me whether I stayed or not. I decided that since we were already out and about, that I might as well stay and get mine also. After I got my shot, we went to Sam's to buy rolls for the dinner. I really wanted Logan to take a good nap before we went to the church, because I knew I wouldn't be able to guarantee that he would get his afternoon nap. We got home, I left him play and then put him to bed. He slept through lunch, so I decided I would take something for him to eat. I had put an apple, an orange, some vanilla wafers and pasta on the stove to take with me. Once I got Logan up from his nap, I started to load the car with the groceries necessary to make dinner. I came back in and Logan had grabbed the apple off the stove and started to eat it. I figured it wasn't worth the fight to take it away from him, so I left him continue to eat it. I took another load out to the car and pulled the door closed but not latched. I didn't know that Logan was standing at the door and I ended up hitting his hand when I came back in to the house. His apple went flying, so I picked it up so that I could wash it off. Logan was very upset about this. He didn't understand that I was going to give it right back to him. After I gave it back to him, he was fine again. Seeing as the reaction I got by trying to clean his apple, I knew that I wouldn't be taking his apple so that we could drive to the church. I tried to be very careful driving and made sure to check on his progress often. I looked back the one time and he only had about an inch left. The next time I checked, it was gone. I asked him where his apple went and he told me "all gone." When I say all gone, I mean everything including the core and seeds were nowhere to be found. I had removed the stem so I know he didn't eat that, but he ate the rest of the apple. HOW DO YOU EAT AN ORANGE? Logan has always enjoyed fruit. Now that he knows where we keep it, he goes to the refrigerator and tries to help himself. Fortunately, he can't open the door yet, so we still have to help him. I can't remember what day it was, but he got my attention and took me over to the refrigerator. He tried to open the door with no success. Since I didn't know what he wanted, I opened the door for him and he tried to get the drawer with the apples and oranges open. I opened the drawer and he pulled out an orange. He proceeded to try to eat it, like an apple. I guess he thought that if this is how you eat an apple, you should eat an orange the same way. I DON'T SPEAK MONKEY Right before we went to Branson, our former children's pastor was looking for a place to stay until she figures out her job situation and where she will be living. I talked to Ben about it, and we agreed that she could stay with us, if she wanted to. She agreed that it would be closer to the job she has right now and had no problem with any of our "rules". Shortly after she moved in, Logan was "talking" to Kara and Kara finally looked at him and said "I don't speak monkey." Logan likes having someone besides mommy and daddy here at the house. Although, she doesn't always take his side when he is getting into things that he is not supposed to. When she comes home from work, Logan gets excited and says "Kawah." We walk by her room and Logan looks at me with a puzzled look on his face and says "Kawah". I explain to him that she is at work and will be home later. Since she has been here, she has gotten much better about "speaking monkey". We came back from Branson on Saturday and Logan was excited to see Kara. However, when we got here, she had gone on a day trip with her church. She didn't make it back before Logan went to bed. Sunday morning before we left for church, Kara came out of her room and as soon as Logan saw her he ran to her and said "Kawah". He wanted to go to church with Kara and was very upset that she wouldn't take him with her. After we got home from church, I was doing something in the kitchen and Kara was standing over by the pantry. Logan was trying very hard to get Kara to understand what he was saying. He finally got frustrated and looked at me and said "Mom" with attitude. He then proceeded to repeat and point to what he wanted. I walked over to the pantry and grabbed the swiffer and handed it to him. He then walked off toward the living room. On a side note, I really like having Kara live with us, because it gives me an extra set of hands to help with Logan. She also cooks once a week, usually Friday or Saturday, which are the nights that I least like to cook. Finally, she likes to bake and she makes really good scones and many other desserts. This isn't good for controlling my weight gain during my pregnancy, but I guess I will enjoy it while I still can. BUGS Last Friday, Kara made taco salads for supper. Logan was eating his and he picked up a bean and said "Bug". We started laughing and the I explained to him that it wasn't a bug, it was a bean.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

He is not the first to eat the seeds and all of an apple. And if that is the worst that he eats, life is good. I agree that Fri & Sat are the worst nights to cook. You are looking good and very pregnant which you very well should be. And I am not even going to ask where Logan gets his attitude from. i know his dad quite well and I know your nephew, so I say that it comes to him equally from both of you.
I was wondering if you were going to use that name or if you had come up with something different. If you stay with it, it will take some getting used to but I think that it will be good. Does this mean that you are hoping for red hair since that is what Mom had?