Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Update #1 of many

A lot has been going on since Logan and I got back from PA. However, since I am not into writing a journal or taking very many photos, I can't remember everything. I will do my best. Shortly after we got back, I needed to take him to the doctor for his 15 month check up. I knew that they would ask me about his vocabulary. So the night before I took him, Ben and I came up with a list of words that Logan says consistently. We came up with at least 30 words, but after that we quit counting. As I was filling out the paperwork, I came to the question about his vocabulary. The question stated, "Does your child say 7 words besides Mom and Dad?" When I told the doctor that he says more than 30, she told me that was advanced for even an 18 month old. He also signs some of these words, which is really cute. We have been trying to work on please and thank you. Now he thinks that when he says please, he should get whatever he is asking for. His stats which I am not sure are totally accurate were as follows: Head Circumference: 47.25 cm (His head really didn't shrink from his 12 month visit, she came back in and remeasured it, but didn't change it on my paper.) Length: 31.25 inches Weight: 21 lbs. With Logan able to get around much quicker, nothing is off limits in his mind to climb on. We still have his exersaucer in the living room and he has decided that it is a lot of fun to climb in and... He has recently become fascinated with putting things on his head. Anything from my cowboy hat, to my visor, to a bucket, and many other things including a silicone baking mat. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of this, because every time I grab the camera he thinks that he should stop and say cheese. He has mastered walking around with things on his head, mainly the bucket, which is quite comical. Hopefully, I can catch him doing it one time, so that you can enjoy it also. Since we have been back, we have introduced the potty to Logan. He hasn't got the concept of telling us when he has to go, but if we pay attention we can usually get him to go at least 3-4 times a day. Also, we only throw #2 diapers in the diaper genie and these have greatly decreased since introducing the potty. As a matter of fact, there were only two in there when we took out the trash last week. While sitting on the potty, we usually have Logan read at least one book, but he usually ends up reading a whole lot more. When he is sitting on the toilet reading, he looks like (1) a professional and (2) an old man.

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