Thursday, November 25, 2010


I had such good intentions to make Logan's costume this year. However, once I saw the price of the pattern, I had second thoughts. Then I was on base and found the exact costume that I was planning to make for only $7.50. I didn't buy it, but came home and told Ben about it. He told me that I was crazy for not buying it, especially since it would cut down on the frustration I would possibly experience while trying to make a costume. So a few days later, I went back on base and didn't see the costume. I moved a peanut costume and there was the costume. I used a price checker to check the price and it was still on sale, so I bought it. In case you are wondering, he is a circus monkey, aka fez monkey. I took Logan to the church for a carnival and then on down the hall to a Bible walk. (Ben was a tour guide for the Bible walk.) He wasn't sure what to do initially, but he soon figured it out. He definitely liked playing all the games that had a ball involved, although he didn't want to give the balls back when he was finished playing. Unfortunately for me, every time he picked out a piece of candy, he picked out lollipops. I personally didn't want lollipops, I was hoping for chocolate. By the end of the night, we were able to help ourselves to whatever candy we wanted, so I was able to pick out some chocolate. The Bible walk was a very interesting way to tell Bible stories. It was very well put together and the kids really enjoyed it. At each station, the kids got a piece of candy to represent the story. It only took Logan one possibly two stops to figure out that the characters were going to give him candy when they were done, and he would walk up with the other kids to get his candy.

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