Thursday, April 22, 2010


Usually, I write about what Logan has been doing, however, this time I am going to talk about Ben. With Ben, being very humble and not looking for any kind of recognition, I don't get too many opportunities to brag on him. Recently, he found out that he was nominated for Company Grade Officer of the Year for Honor Guard. Therefore, he was invited to attend the awards banquet. When he first heard about the banquet, we immediately decided not to go, mainly because of the cost. Here would have been the breakdown...Uniform of the Day-Mess Dress Uniform- $300-$400 (Ben is required to have this, however, with it being so expensive, he has not purchased it yet) Tickets to the banquet- $28 per person=$56 After 5 dress for me- $70-$100 Appt for me to get hair done- $50-$75 ALL this equals a very EXPENSIVE date night for us and he might not even get the award Well, a few days after Ben found out about his nomination, he was told that there were two tickets available at no cost to him. He turned them down. He was talking to those in charge of the Honor Guard and explained that it didn't make sense why the Honor Guard couldn't wear their ceremonials for the banquet. She agreed and said that she would definitely try to get the Uniform of the Day for the Honor Guard to be ceremonials for next year. A short time later, he found out that they did change the uniform this year to ceremonials. We still were not going. Wednesday before the banquet, he found out that it would be very beneficial to go to the banquet, but that was all the more information that could be provided. He called me and asked about how I felt about going. I told him that it didn't matter to me, but that I would let him decide. I initially thought that the banquet was going to be on Friday, and I was wondering how I was going to get a babysitter for Logan in such a short amount of time. The banquet actually wasn't until Saturday, so that made it a little easier to find a sitter. He asked me what I was going to do about a dress and I told him that I could go home and see if any of the ones I had in my closet would be appropriate and fit. I waited until Ben got home and tried on two dresses that I thought would be suitable. We both decided on the black dress that I wore to his last dining out. I then decided to try and do my own hair, but I figured it would be best if I tried it the day before, just in case I wasn't successful. Saturday came and I was busy getting ready for the banquet. It most certainly did take all day to get ready. Not to brag, but I thought that I did a good job on myself. Unfortunately, I don't have our couple picture that we got taken at the banquet, otherwise, I would post it. Ben did get Company Grade Officer of the Here are a few photos from the banquet. I will apologize in advance because between my camera being slow, Ben walking fast, and us being clear in the back of the banquet room, the pictures didn't turn out that great.Everybody that was nominated had to get a picture with the General that was there.
Ben walking up to receive his award.Ben receiving his award for Company Grade Officer of the Year for the National Honor Guard.
What could have been a very expensive evening, ended up not costing us anything, except for the gas to get there. The best part of all I was able to be there in support as my husband received his award.

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