Saturday, December 26, 2009

A White Christmas in OK

With it being our first Christmas with a little one, we weren't too sure what to expect. We definitely didn't expect to have a white Christmas in Oklahoma. It started raining in the morning of Christmas Eve, and it kept precipitating throughout the day. It changed from rain to sleet, to freezing rain, and finally to snow. We ended up with 14" of snow and 3-4' drifts. I guess this is what happens when you have 50 mph winds. On Christmas Eve, we were supposed to go to our Children's Pastor's house for supper. However, once it started to get bad, I decided to see if she would just come over here. She agreed to come over and ended up spending two nights with us. We had so much fun with her and she made some really awesome food. It was really nice to have here so that she could take pictures for us. Here is a picture of our candlelight Christmas eve dinner. Our Christmas tree. I am not sure why our lights did this when I took the picture. Oh well, I think it looks neat.Family picture on Christmas Morning Christmas morning we got up and Ben made us stuffed French toast. By this time, Logan was ready to go back to bed, so he didn't actually get to open presents until the afternoon. We talked to both of our families on Skype so that they could see him open some of his presents. Here are some pictures and videos of Logan opening his gifts. I guess the way Logan determines if it is a good gift or not is by how it tastes. LOGAN'S FIRST SNOW After we opened Christmas presents, we all got dressed and went out and played in the snow. Logan was not sure what to think of it and he definitely was not able to move in his snow suit. Logan ready to go outside. Logan in the snow. Logan and Ben lying in the snow. Logan not too happy about making a snow angel. Logan standing in one of the snow drifts. Logan checking out the snow Logan in front of a snow drift which was located behind our house. Family picture from Blizzard in OK 2009.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

It looks like you had a great time on Christmas. We enjoyed seeing all of you on Skype. Just wish that it could have been in person. Well, one of these years it will happen. And you got your white Christmas after all. That doesn't happen to everyone so you guys are special. Love and hugs to all.