Wednesday, January 20, 2010


During the day, I have been trying to teach Logan how to play ball. One night after Ben came home from work, he had Logan's ball. So I told him to see if Logan would roll it back to him. He did and this is the video that I got of them playing ball together. Logan has been scooting everywhere, but he didn't really seem interested in actually crawling on his hands and knees. Last night as I was getting supper ready, I thought that I saw Logan up on his hands and knees. I watched him and sure enough he was and was trying to crawl. I took his pacifier away from him to see if he would come after it. Before I knew it, he was over by me grabbing it. I grabbed the camera hoping that I could catch him on video, but thinking to myself that he probably won't do it again. Since Logan loves to have his picture taken as soon as he saw me with the camera, he started smiling at me. Well that isn't the result that I was hoping for, but it was still very cute. I went and took his pacifier again and moved across the kitchen to see if he would do it again. He DID and I was able to get it on video. I can't believe that he is already crawling. I hope that you enjoy the videos. Like I said, Logan loves to have his picture taken. So here is a picture of his big smile and his two bottom teeth. Since Logan is able to get places, he enjoys going over to his toy box and see how many things he can tear out. Well here is a picture of him "playing" with his toys.

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