Thursday, February 25, 2010

February Update

February was a very busy month for us. Since Logan has become mobile, he definitely keeps us even busier than before. Some days I think that he was a dog in a former life. He loves socks and shoes. Any time that he can get one or even a pair, they automatically go into his mouth. I have even seen him put the socks in his mouth and crawl around the house. We went on vacation to Branson, where we spent Valentine's Day and president's day. Here are some pictures from our vacation. We had a very nice, romantic dinner in our room. After dinner we had Krispy Kreme doughnuts for dessert. Logan with his first Krispy Kreme doughnut. How did I get icing down there?
Logan was teething while we were in Branson, which made nights very interesting. We knew that he was getting two more on the bottom. We later found out that he was also getting two on the top. Since he is getting so many teeth, he is becoming more independent and wants to feed himself. I pureed up some broccoli before we left for Branson and he would make faces when we would feed it to him. When we got back, I decided to give him some pieces of broccoli and he loved it.
Once we got back from vacation, Ben unpacked his stuff, only to repack it again to go down to Wichita Falls, TX for training for two weeks. Luckily, Wichita Falls is only 2 1/2 hours away, which allows him to come home this weekend. So he will drive home tomorrow, only to turn around and drive back on Sunday.
While Ben has been gone, I have been making sure that house (well at least the living room) stays warm by keeping the fire burning. Tonight I went out to bring in some wood and left Logan sitting in the living room. I came back in and found him by the front door. This is where he usually ends up when I leave the room. I put the firewood over by the fireplace and was getting ready to go back out to get more, and realized that Logan wasn't by the door anymore. I looked back the hall to see if he was back there and he wasn't. I started calling his name, (not like he would answer) but I guess hoping that he would at least make a noise so I knew where he was at. Then I heard what sounded like wood banging together. I came back to the living room and found that Logan had crawled past the tv tray and behind the couch. My first thought was how am I going to get him out of there. My next thought was I should take a picture, because I don't think Ben will believe that he did this. So here are the pictures of him behind the couch. Here are just some extra pictures of Logan throughout this month.

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