Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving and Beyond

Ben and I decided to stay home for Thanksgiving. We invited one of our friends from church to come over and join us. It was such a relaxing day. We enjoyed the Macy's parade and really good food. Here is a picture of Logan in his Thanksgiving bib from Great Great Aunt Lisa. Thank you so much for thinking of this, because neither Ben nor I thought to get him something like this.We even left him have some sweet potatoes, from a jar of course, and some mashed potatoes. He didn't care too much for the mashed potatoes. Logan really enjoys eating. When we put him in his high chair, his feet and arms start moving until we offer his cereal to him. He is really good about letting me or Ben feed him. For the most part he doesn't try to help us with the spoon. Grandma Smith sent Logan his first Christmas present that he was allowed to open. I think that he was fascinated by the paper than the actual present. A not so good first is that Logan has his first ear infection. I am so glad that he takes his medicine with no problems. Even though he has an ear infection he is still a lot of fun. Well I will call it quits for now. I will try to update next week after Logan's 6month check up.

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