Thursday, February 28, 2013


Life has quickly passed me by and well obviously I haven't taken the time to write about it. Each night I lay in my bed and kick (not literally) myself for not writing down the days events. I really wish I was better about it. I know as my kids get older and will want to know what we did, I will have to rely on my already fading memory and it won't be good.

At this point in our lives, the kids are saying and doing things that I don't want to forget, so I am going to try and be more diligent about documenting these things. LOL

Let's get up to speed. Since July we have been living in San Angelo, TX. It is a little town in the middle of nowhere. For the most part, people are extremely friendly  (you always have a few that don't fit the category).

Interesting things we have learned about Texas:
a.) Geckos- yes we have seen them and the kids like to move things (pieces of wood, rocks, cans, etc) to find the geckos.
b.) Dust storm advisory- in other words, stay in your house, unless you want to get very dirty and have decreased visibility.
c.) Stickers/thistles/ thorns- whatever you want to call them are a NUISANCE and our yard is full of them. They get on your shoes and clothes and they hurt if you step on them (speaking from experience).
d.) Cactus/Cacti- are used for landscaping and decorating the front yards. You can also find them along side the road, unless you are Tessa. he he
e.) Hats/boots- anyone wearing these articles of clothing are cowboys/cowgirls in my kids' minds.
f.) It can be REALLY HOT!!!!!- Therefore, clothing is optional for outdoor activities.

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