Thursday, April 7, 2011


Audrey is continuing to grow and become more interactive. Here were our first attempts at getting a picture of her smile. She smiled at Ben first and most often initially. However, I now receive my fair amount of smiles throughout the day. Just look at those cheeks, I know that you just want to squeeze them. The following are some more attempts to get smiles and pictures of Audrey cooing and talking. The pictures with the HUGE eyes are the result of the flash going off and startling her.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Can't wait to hold those 2 little ones again. Audrey still looks so much like Logan. I know that you get tired of hearing that but it is so true. It is good that she is a girl or you would have a hard time telling their baby pictures apart. Can't wait to see you and Ben too. Love you guys.