Saturday, February 5, 2011

Updates... continued

Ben has continued to do baths. Here is a picture of Audrey getting her first bath at home. After Audrey's bath, we have decided to call her Spike, because that is exactly what her hair does most of the time. However, these pictures don't give you a good idea of what we are talking about. One of the biggest adjustments has been Logan having to share us. He is getting much better about having his sister around. Logan helping Daddy make chili. He loves to stand on the stool and observe, stir, and help in other ways. In fact, he has been very observant about how I take care of Audrey. For example, he has seen me feed her and thought that he should give it a try. Audrey was supposed to be doing tummy time. I went to put a load of clothes in the washer and this is what I found when I came back into the living room. I took Audrey for her two week check on Thursday, January27th. Here are her new stats... Head Circumference- 36 1/2cm, 62nd percentile Height- 21 1/2 in, 87th percentile Weight- 8lbs 13 ozs, 65th percentile. Finally, I wanted to get some pictures of the kids together. However, Logan really didn't want his picture taken at this point in time, so I only got one of them together. Audrey sitting on the couch with Logan.

1 comment:

the emsta said...

bahaahahaha please tell me he is over trying to feed her :)

They are so cute...I have a feeling they are going to look like twins :)

Miss you guys!
