Saturday, June 27, 2009

An overdue 2 week update

It is hard to believe that Logan is now three weeks old as of yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to post his two week update. We took him to the doctor for his two week check on Friday June 19. He weighed 9 lbs and the nurse thinks he was 21 1/2 inches. Ben wasn't sooo sure because Logan was moving all over the place. The doctor was very pleased at how well he was growing and said she didn't need to see him back for another six weeks, which is when he will get shots. I am definitely not looking forward to this appointment. During this past week, Logan has hit a few milestones. First of all, we picked up Grammy Crawford, Aunt Tessa, Aunt Tesha, and cousin Austyn at the airport on Friday. Austyn wasn't sure what to think about Logan, but he did get to hold him a little bit. Austyn would hold him for a few seconds and then push him away. Austyn also did not like when Logan cried. The one day we were all out in the living room and Logan was back in his bed. He started fussing and Austyn immediately ran back to his room and was trying to hold his hand through the crib railing. It was soo cute. Mom was amazed at how much smiling Logan already does. (This is such a reward for me in the middle of the night when I get up to feed him.) She was also amazed at how much grunting and noise he can make, especially when he is trying to dirty his diaper. While they were here, we got pictures taken of Austyn and Logan together. What a challenge that was! As soon as I get the pictures, I will put them on here for you to see. On Monday, Logan's cord fell off while Tessa was changing him. She asked me if I wanted to keep it, and I told her no. Then Ben came home from PT and she asked him if he wanted to keep it. He also said no and threw it in the trash. Tessa did such a good job at cleaning his belly button after it fell off. Wednesday, I put Logan down on the floor for tummy time and he rolled over for the first time. We knew that it wasn't going to be long before this happened, because when we were at the doctor he was holding his head sooo well and the doctor said that she could tell he was very determined. Fortunately, my mom also witnessed it and then when Ben got home, Logan did it again. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get this on video, but I did try. Since my family was here to help out when I needed it, I got a chance to catch up on some lost sleep. Well as this picture shows, we were having mommy and Logan nap time. We are covered up with my blanket that I have had since I was little. It was so nice for Logan to finally meet some of his extended family. Although they were very good at spoiling him by holding him all the time. Hopefully this isn't too hard of a habit to break. Thanks for all your help and advice this past week. (Sorry I didn't take more pictures while you guys were here, maybe you can send me some of the ones you took.) We look forward to seeing you again in August!
Today, Logan got his first bath in his tub. Ben has decided that bath time is his and Logan's special bonding time. So Ben has given Logan most of his baths since we brought him home from the hospital. This was very entertaining for me, because after a few baths in the kitchen Ben decided to do his sponge baths in the bathroom. Ben would put the basin in the tub and he would then get in the tub with Logan and bath him that way. Normally Ben had to change his shorts after he was done, not because Logan splashed, but because he would usually squeeze the wash cloth and water would go all over himself. Unfortunately, I always forget to take pictures, but I do have some from his bath tonight.
Logan wiggled his way into this position.
Well I think that about covers the big things going on in our lives. We hope that everyone is doing well and we look forward to hearing from you.


Diana said...

I'd like to see the picture of Ben in the tub with the baby. LOL! He is so adorable. He has changed his looks. He likes like both of you. Loved that little tummy.Sonds like he'soff to a great start and and he's developing quit rapidly. His first year will go so fast and you'll be amazed at what he learns during that time. God is so good and indeed you are blessed. I knew you'd be wonderful parents.I'll have an opening in three weeks as Brady will be staying home with mommy. We'll miss that littleguy. We absolutely love him. What a good baby he has been. And CUTE. He is it and he mimicks anything you do after seeing it one time. We've enjoyed him so much for this short year. It's hard to believe how fast time has gone.
Keep up the good work momma and thanks so much for staying in touch.
I look forward to hearing from you.
We love you still and think of you so very often.
"SON"shine & Hugs,

Joe said...

He's so cute. No Ben, we're not talking about you! It's always fun to see some pictures.

I always do bath time, too. I wouldn't exactly say it's bonding time, but Gwen certainly doesn't want to do it after spending all day with the 2 boys!

Joe & Gwen