Monday, June 8, 2009

Logan James has arrived

For everyone who hasn't heard, Logan James arrived on Friday, June 5 at 12:50 pm. He was actually born on his due date, which is good because I was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to make his debut. Anyway, he weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 21" long and he has a lot of red hair. People are amazed at how big he is and how much hair he has. I kind of thought that he would have a lot of hair, since I was continuously having indigestion. Our first family photo.I am trying to hold him for the first time, even though I am still in the process of being put back together. The doctor told me that I had to keep my hands under the blue cloths, which was a little frustrating, but I knew that I needed to let her do her job.
I guess this picture already shows his true personality.Logan in his going home outfit. His shirt says Do Not Disturb. The one nurse thought this was very fitting because he got mad at her every time she tried to take his vitals. Logan in his swing. This is the only place that we have found so far that he does not uncover himself while he is sleeping. Thanks Aunt Lisa, Uncle Ted, and Alexis for this wonderful gift.Logan sleeping in his swing. We think he looks soooo cute with his little sheep ears. Well I think that about takes care of the updates for Logan and his first couple of days. Hopefully I will be able to send some more pictures soon.


Montgomery's said...

Love the pictures! My mom says he's a beautiful baby, you can leave him with her. Comments on my facebook are all good too. I'm ready to come see him again.

My burn was so bad today, I was literally going crazy. I was itching so bad I took two benedryls and was knocked out. Rob came home before I went to sleep to put some lotion on my back. I suppose he was trying to tell me he needed to leave and I was pretty much non responsive so he took the girls to work with him.

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful! Can't wait to see him in person sometime. Hope things go well, adjusting to being parents. You'll both be great! Love you both very much!

Carolyn said...

Love the pictures. Can't wait to see him he sooooooooooooooo cute

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Logan is a very handsome little guy - loooove the red hair! The picture with him sticking out his tongue made me laugh too. Hope all is going well. Lots of hugs!

Melissa, George, & Oliver