Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Prego Pics!

So I know that it has been about a month since I updated our blog, but nothing really exciting has been going on. Let me try to update you as to what has been going on in our neck of the country. A couple of weekends ago (March 20-22), Ben and I got to watch Rob and Amy's girls so that they could go to a marriage conference with their church. The girls arrived Friday morning and stayed with us until Sunday evening. They were very good for the most part, however, we did have to discipline them a little bit. We even had to initiate the "Time out stump." We were outside playing and Madison wasn't playing nice so I told her to go sit down. Well she started throwing flowers and Ben told her to stop and she didn't listen, so he made her go sit on stump over by the wood pile. This is where we came up with the time out stump. The girls enjoyed discovering different bugs that were in our back yard. We found a grasshopper, a cricket, and a lady bug. All three of them liked holding them in their hands and letting the bugs crawl over their hands. The twins have grown sooo much since about two years ago when we were in Ohio and Emma would have nothing to do with holding bugs in her hands. They also enjoyed helping to plant potatoes in the garden. Ben would give them the potato and tell them to put it right in front of his boot and they wanted to get it just perfect. Also while they were here, I helped them make biscuit pizzas. They liked to stretch the dough and put the sauce and toppings on. They are such little helpers sometimes. Both Friday and Saturday nights, we had the girls in bed before 9 pm. We were quite impressed with ourselves on that accomplishment. We took the girls to church with us on Sunday and a lot of people were impressed with the fact that we were earlier than we usually are and we had three extra to get ready. We put the girls in their class and was in the sanctuary before the music started. (We usually walk into the sanctuary about the same time the music is starting.) We loved having them at the house, but I was also ready for them to go home. I have come to understand why God usually tries to break you in slow with having kids. Ben recently went through a two week training to be apart of the Base Honor Guard. It was a volun"told" type of thing. He kind of volunteered, but he was also told that he was their choice to represent his group. He is now able to participate in the special ceremonies such as funerals, base services, and some other special events. This is one more thing that he can put on his profile that will help him to look good for upcoming positions and also his promotions.
I am just over 31 1/2 weeks along. It is hard to believe that it is only 8 1/2 weeks until my due date. When we were at church last night, people were asking how i was feeling and I have to admit this is the first time in my whole pregnancy that I have felt really BIG. It seems like Logan has grown sooo much in this last week. I go to the doctor every two weeks now and at my last two appointments they told me that he was breech. We are not too concerned about this at this point in time. But as the time gets closer, we will definitely start praying harder that he will flip on his own. Well I think that about updates everyone as far as what has happened in our lives. Look forward to hearing from you soon.


Valerie said...

You look great, Tabatha! We'll be praying that the baby flips on his own. Keep us updated...

Montgomery's said...

you're so cute!

Unknown said...

Emily & I want to know if this is going to be the official "time out stump"?

connie said...

I believe I remember hearing that if you put a board from your couch to the floor and then lay on it with your feet higher than your head, that the baby will turn itself around. This is a midwife practice. It won't to hurt to try it.
Hey, you could ask Teresa.