Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blessing in Disguise...

Last Monday while I was folding clothes in the living room, I heard something fall. I went to investigate, but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. Well, being this far along in pregnancy and having stood up, I of course had to go to the bathroom, again. So, I went, but when I went to wash my hands I had no water. I went out to the kitchen to see if I had water out there and I didn't. So I called Ben. He asked me if there had been anybody out by the road who might have turned our water off. (That is what happened the last time, I didn't have water.) I told him that I didn't see anybody. He told me to go and check to make sure that the water was still on at the road. Well, I stepped out onto the porch and saw some water coming out of our garage. I made mention of this to Ben and he told me to go and check the garage first. So I did, fortunately it was only a small stream and it hadn't got any of the stuff in the garage wet except the floor. So Ben told me to go and turn the water off at the road and that he would be on his way home. Well, needless to say, because Mondays are his PT days, he had only work 2 hours that day. He got home, changed his clothes, and crawled under the house. He loves crawling into the crawl space, NOT! I was right, something had fallen and it was the pipe under the house. Fortunately, it was somewhat of a cheap and easy fix. BABY SHOWER at the CHURCH On Saturday, our church had a baby shower for us. There were about 25 people there. One of our guy friends came to keep Ben company, so that he wasn't the only guy there. However, Ben hadn't been planning to go, but when he heard that Scott was coming, he decided that he should go, so that Scott wasn't the only guy there. Funny, how they were both trying to look out for the other. Unfortunately, Saturday was not one of my better pregnant days. I think I tried to do a bit too much leading up to the shower. Friday, I decided to clean my hardwood floors. It started out that I was just going to sweep them, but then I decided to also mop them. I had to take a few breaks to get them all done, but I finally finished them. We didn't do much Friday evening since I had used all my energy on the floors throughout the day. Then Saturday before we headed out to the church, I wanted to make vegetable soup, so that we would have supper when we got home. So again I was standing for a long time cutting vegetables. By the time, that I got ready to go to the shower, lets just say I was feeling quite tired and my feet had swollen. I was going to wear cute little heels, but decided to settle with just some black sandals. It also seemed that Logan was lying in an odd position, so that didn't help things either. At the shower, we got a lot of clothes and other nice stuff. Here are some pictures of the us at the shower and some of the things that we got. We were so excited to get some Steeler's stuff. We got this stuff from our church friends who are also Steelers fans. Thanks Jim and Karen!!! One final note... I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she continues to say that everything looks good and that we are right on schedule. She also informed me that Logan has flipped and is now head down. This is such a blessing and answer to prayer. I go back to the doctor in two weeks, but then I will be going every week after that. I will do my best to keep everyone updated. Well LOVE and MISS you!!!

1 comment:

Montgomery's said...

those are great pictures from your shower.