Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow, snow, and more snow

Well it has been snowing since yesterday around 9 am. I just had to go out and play in it today. So far we have about a foot of snow and it is not supposed to stop until sometime tomorrow. They have already canceled church and the plows don't plan to touch anything but the main streets until at least tomorrow. So for now we are kind of snowed in. Here are a few pictures of us having some fun in the snow (making snow angels, shoveling, etc.). There was so much snow in the back of Ben's truck that I was able to lay down and kind of make a snow angel.

1 comment:

Montgomery's said...

I AM SO JEALOUS AND YES I'M YELLING!!! We've been wanting snow here in OK all year long and it just keeps falling all around us! Even in AR where my family lives got 5 inches the other day, and just this weekend they got 11 inches! WE GOT NOTHING! I'm so mad over this that if I get more mad, I'll have to do some praying! Just joking - I'm not that mad. Anyway, looks like you guys were having fun. Miss ya!