Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ben got a job!!!!

First let me apologize for not posting anything before today. It seems that our lives have become very busy the last couple of months. Ben graduated in December and we are to report to Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, OK in June. This is definitely bittersweet for us. We are excited to move to OKC because we have friends there, but on the other hand I am not looking forward to moving sooo far away from our families. After two months of being a bum Ben has been able to get a job, finally. He will start Monday at GPD an engineering firm. His job will be to analyze the bases of cell phone towers. Besides Ben getting a job, I also have taken on a new "job". Back in January, I decided to try my hand at sales. I am now a consultant for Pampered Chef. I started my new career by hosting a show for some of my coworkers and our friends from church on February 9. It was definitely a learning lesson for me. Since then I have done two more cooking shows and have at least 5 more shows to do before we move to OKC. So far Ben and I have been doing this as a team. I really have enjoyed having him as my "sous chef". If anybody needs anything from Pampered Chef, please feel free to let me know. Besides working at the office, doing Pampered Chef, teaching a class on Wednesdays, planning my sister's baby shower, I am also taking a Statistics class. I am not enjoying this class. It has been quite a challenge for me. Well I think that is all the updates that I have right now.

1 comment:

Montgomery's said...

Way to go Ben for getting a job! But I'm not so sure about the pampered chef stuff! That means more parties for me to go to, huh Tabby? *smile* I didn't know you had a blog!!! Glad to be reading about your life, but soon, I'll be part of your life!!!! Yeah!!!!