Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sea World- Part 2

We wanted to see as many of the shows as we possibly could. The first show we saw was the dolphins and the white beluga whale show.

White beluga




The next show we saw was the sea lion and seals show.

Finally, we saw the Shamu show and in my opinion, this was by far the most impressive. The killer whales are massive, but can still do flips and it was really neat to see the interaction between the trainers and the whales.

Sea World- Part 1

Sea World is in San Antonio, which is about 3 1/2 hours away. This is perfect distance for a weekend getaway. We decided to take the kids over Labor Day. Fortunately for us, there is a program that once a year military families are able to go to certain parks and get in FREE. The best part of all is you can choose when you want to use your free admission. 

Since it didn't cost us anything to get into the park, we decided to treat the kids to breakfast with the Sesame Street characters.

I don't think Audrey was impressed!

Still not sure, but at least an attempt at a smile.

"Please don't touch me!"

From a distance- Logan thought the characters were cool, from a distance.

"Daddy, don't let him touch me!"      


Life has quickly passed me by and well obviously I haven't taken the time to write about it. Each night I lay in my bed and kick (not literally) myself for not writing down the days events. I really wish I was better about it. I know as my kids get older and will want to know what we did, I will have to rely on my already fading memory and it won't be good.

At this point in our lives, the kids are saying and doing things that I don't want to forget, so I am going to try and be more diligent about documenting these things. LOL

Let's get up to speed. Since July we have been living in San Angelo, TX. It is a little town in the middle of nowhere. For the most part, people are extremely friendly  (you always have a few that don't fit the category).

Interesting things we have learned about Texas:
a.) Geckos- yes we have seen them and the kids like to move things (pieces of wood, rocks, cans, etc) to find the geckos.
b.) Dust storm advisory- in other words, stay in your house, unless you want to get very dirty and have decreased visibility.
c.) Stickers/thistles/ thorns- whatever you want to call them are a NUISANCE and our yard is full of them. They get on your shoes and clothes and they hurt if you step on them (speaking from experience).
d.) Cactus/Cacti- are used for landscaping and decorating the front yards. You can also find them along side the road, unless you are Tessa. he he
e.) Hats/boots- anyone wearing these articles of clothing are cowboys/cowgirls in my kids' minds.
f.) It can be REALLY HOT!!!!!- Therefore, clothing is optional for outdoor activities.