Friday, May 4, 2012

New Names

A recent conversation between Logan and I.
Me: What is your name?
Logan: Woen Sniff
Me: What did you say?
Logan: Woen Sniff and I have a Grandma Sniff (Definitely started laughing at this point and couldn't correct him)

I sometimes sing the kids' name to the tune of the Mickey Mouse song. So instead of  M-I-C-K-E-Y, I will sing L-O-G-A-N, Logan James, Logan James and I do the same with Audrey. Well, we were riding in the car and I heard Logan singing. I listened closer and he was singing "Audrey James, Audrey James". I asked Logan if he knew that Audrey's middle name was Joyce, not James and he insisted that it was James. I have also caught him "scolding" her in brotherly way- "Sisser James or Audrey James".

So for now, the kids have new names, and I am ok with that.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I am not even going to attempt to catch up. Obviously a lot has happened since Audrey's first foods, especially since that was way back in June. A quick little update- Audrey turned 1 in January and we had a Minnie Mouse party. Her personality can be so sweet at times and she is definitely a daddy's girl. Anytime the phone rings, she thinks that it is daddy and goes through the house saying "Dada dada". Besides dada being a favorite word, she has also learned the words "NO", "Mine", and "some" (she usually wants a snack, candy, etc.) These are not all the words that she knows, however, these are the most common ones. However, she can also be quite sassy and tends to give Logan a piece of her mind. Since her first birthday, she has mastered walking and is improving on running. She has also figured out steps, which fortunately we don't have too many. LOGAN Logan can be extremely sweet also, however, he has been deathly gripped with a terrible case of the terrible two's. I have recently been informed that the terrible two's can last for years (thanks for the encouragement dear stranger- I thought that I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.) An example of Logan's sweetness, if Audrey falls asleep in her car seat he will reach over and hold her hand, then he says "Momma, sisser asleep and I hold her hand." Totally melts my heart every time. There have been times at the church where he has held hand to help her to her Sunday School class. He recently has mastered the driving of his tractor. Logan taking his friend Cameron for a ride He has even been able to help me with some lawn work. I load the weeds into the trailer and he drives them to the woods, where I unload them. He also doesn't mind taking Audrey for a ride in the trailer.