Thursday, September 8, 2011

A trip to PA- part 1

As I was packing to make a visit to PA, Logan woke up from his nap. Logan decided that all that needed to be put in the suitcase was a blanket, pillow, and himself.Audrey got to take her first airplane ride. Both kids did really well on the flights. We did so many things while in PA. We celebrated Mother's Day with our Moms (this is the first time in a long time) by having Audrey dedicated followed by a picnic, played with cousins, went fishing with Grandpap Smith, attended my grandfather's wedding, attended a baseball game and so much more. MOTHER'S DAY-
As I said, we had Audrey dedicated on Mother's Day. She looked adorable in her beautiful gown from Great Uncle David and Great Aunt Frances, unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. We had a picnic following the dedication. We also got family pictures taken on Ben's side of the family. After pictures and the meal, we spent time socializing with family. Bryan provided the entertainment for us as he used different "tools" to kill bees.Looking for the bees
Weapon of choice: spatula
Spatula wasn't doing the trick, so let's try a 2x4 or a bat.
FISHING WITH GRANDPAP SMITH One morning, Ben took Logan to go fishing with Grandpap Smith. Logan's idea of fishing was pulling his goldfish out of his goldfish container. Logan also enjoyed eating the bait(corn), rather than using it for the fish.
Fishing for "goldfish"
Want some?
"Awww, why did you pull it out of the water?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pix of Pappy Allen and Logan fishing precious!
Uncle Bryan needed to tone it down a bit with the bee slaying.