Saturday, February 5, 2011

Playing in the Snow 2011

As many of you know, we got a snow storm last week. In fact, Ben had a snow day on Tuesday and also Wednesday. I wanted to take Logan out on Tuesday, but with the wind chills it was way too cold. After our outing yesterday, I was finally able to get some pictures of Logan "playing" in the snow. He didn't care to walk in the snow and kept saying that he was stuck. He also didn't like that he had to keep his gloves on. He also helped Ben shovel the driveway. Even Audrey, got to go out in the snow.

Logan needs a Haircut

Ben has been saying for weeks that I need to take Logan to get his hair cut again. Yesterday, I decided that I would try to get out and get his hair cut at the Supercuts Training Center. Here is a picture of Logan after his nap. FYI I dried his hair before putting him down for a nap. After getting both kids ready and driving on the not so pleasant roads, the training center was closed, so no hair cut.

Updates... continued

Ben has continued to do baths. Here is a picture of Audrey getting her first bath at home. After Audrey's bath, we have decided to call her Spike, because that is exactly what her hair does most of the time. However, these pictures don't give you a good idea of what we are talking about. One of the biggest adjustments has been Logan having to share us. He is getting much better about having his sister around. Logan helping Daddy make chili. He loves to stand on the stool and observe, stir, and help in other ways. In fact, he has been very observant about how I take care of Audrey. For example, he has seen me feed her and thought that he should give it a try. Audrey was supposed to be doing tummy time. I went to put a load of clothes in the washer and this is what I found when I came back into the living room. I took Audrey for her two week check on Thursday, January27th. Here are her new stats... Head Circumference- 36 1/2cm, 62nd percentile Height- 21 1/2 in, 87th percentile Weight- 8lbs 13 ozs, 65th percentile. Finally, I wanted to get some pictures of the kids together. However, Logan really didn't want his picture taken at this point in time, so I only got one of them together. Audrey sitting on the couch with Logan.


After the ultrasound, Ben and I talked about our options as far as delivery. I wanted to avoid a c-section if at all possible, but I also didn't want to tear like I did with Logan. Prior to my appointment, I had been praying that whatever decision we made that I would have peace about it. At my next doctor's appointment, Ben went with me and after seeing the nurse practitioner and then talking to the doctor, we decided to go ahead and be induced on Monday, January 10. After my appointment, I felt much better prepared. I was still apprehensive since I had no idea what to expect with an induction and it felt like this was my first pregnancy all over again. Fortunately, I can now tell you that this delivery went much better. I truly am thankful that God was with us each step of the way and did give me the peace about being induced. Here is the last pregnancy pic, I am 39 weeks and 3 days. This was taken at the hospital the night before I delivered. A FAMILY OF FOUR When Logan arrived at the hospital after I had Audrey, he looked a bit concerned and confused when he saw Audrey lying in her bed. He soon warmed up to her and wanted to hold her. He even bent down and was giving her kisses. Audrey also gave him kisses, although she was actually looking for food. GOING HOME I was able to go home on Tuesday, just a little over 24 hours after Audrey was born. The weather in Oklahoma was a bit icy and cold, so we got to use the snow suit that we received as a gift. It is a little big, but it served its purpose. ADJUSTING Since we have been home, there has been a lot of adjusting going on for all of us. Fortunately, Gwen was able to come down and help us. Although, there has been some "down" time and Gwen and Kara enjoyed some boxing on the Wii. We have also partaked in playing Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on the Wii. Logan got the game Just Dance for Kids and we have all played many rounds of this game. An adjustment that we still aren't used to is the broken sleep throughout the night. One of the biggest challenges is the fact that it seems that Audrey doesn't like her bed. We initially were concerned about Audrey waking Logan. However, he has adjusted to her being in his room and barely stirs when she is fussing. The problem is she will sleep in her pack and play, on the floor, in her swing, but not her bed. We have tried to put her in her bed numerous times, with little success. For the first two weeks of her life, she slept in her swing in our room. There have been a couple of nights where she was in her bed the whole night, but they have been few and far between. We really would like for her to sleep in her room, but I get frustrated after being up with her for at least an hour and end up bringing her to our room and putting her in the swing. She sleeps quite well in there, in fact there were nights where I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep at a time.

Way Behind

As most of you know, I am way behind on updates for the blog. With that being said, some things will be out of order. To start off, here are some pictures of Logan and I baking sugar cookies.I knew my belly was big, but these pictures make it look HUGE! CHRISTMAS This year it was hard for me to get ready for Christmas. I felt like if I put it off, our baby would also not make her arrival soon thereafter. It seemed that I had so many things to get ready and I didn't think I could get it all done. I had Christmas spirit, but I just did a lot of procrastinating. Anyway, Christmas morning was a lot more fun this year with Logan. He was "helpful" in handing out the presents. Sometimes he wouldn't even give the present out, he would just open it himself. Tools so that he can help Daddy Ben modeling his chain saw helmet. Logan enjoying Mommy's new purse. The week after Christmas my mom and dad came down to spend some time with us. Unfortunately, Logan ended up being sick the whole week. In fact we took him to urgent care one day and to the doctor on another. We found out that Logan had a mildcase of pneumonia. However, mom and dad were able to go to an ultrasound with me. They were able to enjoy seeing Audrey moving around. It was the most difficult ultrasound I have done. I am not sure if it was because I was lying flat on my back or the lack of sleep I had gotten the night before, but it was very uncomfortable. The technician told us that she was probably 7 lbs 11 ozs, give or take a pound. She said normally she is closer to the minus a pound. As we soon found out, that was not the case for us.