Monday, January 10, 2011

New Okie to the Smith household

Today, we welcomed the newest member to the Smith household, Audrey Joyce. She was born at 12:24 pm CST, weighed 8 lbs 8 oz, and is 21" long. Both her and Mommy are doing great. She does have some hair, and at this point in time, it does not look like she will have red hair. It might have some red highlights in it, but it is more on the blonde side. Here are a few pictures of her early on in life with many more to come.


ashley said...

yea! congrats...we can't wait to meet her! she is adorable!

J-Rae said...

She is so pretty!

Valerie said...

Congratulations, guys! By the way, we call her Audreyella.

the emsta said...


Love and miss you guys SO much!