Monday, July 26, 2010
Exciting News
I just wanted to let everyone know that in January our family will be growing by one more. That is correct Logan will become a big brother to the baby I am carrying. I am 15 weeks and feeling great, (especially since I have entered the second trimester). I know that you will want pics soon of my growing belly, but I haven't taken any yet. I will post them when I do.
One final note, Logan and I are planning to arrive in PA on Monday, August 2. Hopefully, we will get to see a lot of family and friends while visiting for two weeks.
A Walk in Progress
Ben left to go to Minot, ND on Monday, July 12. Right before he left, I brought Logan out and placed him down in the hall. He remained standing and took four steps toward Ben. It was very cute and Ben told him that he didn't want to come home to a walking boy. Later that day, I was on the phone and he would start in the corner of the couch and take four steps toward the middle of the living room. Then he would crawl back to the corner of the couch and repeat. He did this five or six times. I felt bad that Ben wasn't there to see it, but I wasn't encouraging him, so really it wasn't my fault. Ben returned on Wednesday and at that point Logan refused to walk again. A bit frustrating, but we figured he would do it in his own time. Then last week, I would be out in the kitchen and he would randomly come walking from the hall and I looked at him as if to say, "What are you doing?" So we tried working with him, but he really didn't want any attention while he was walking. I grabbed the camera hoping to capture him taking steps, but every time he saw the camera he would plop down. Since then Logan has taken quite a few more steps and I have declared him walking. I was finally able to catch him on Friday taking steps across the living room. Enjoy the show.
Berry Picking
Logan and I went to one of the local orchards with our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group on Thursday, July 15. Logan had never been to an orchard but he was a natural at picking the blackberries. I showed him the black ones and he just went to town. He could clear a whole branch in less than 2 minutes. Needless to say, he didn't put them in the container, but instead in his mouth. I felt bad that I only paid for one pint when I am sure that Logan ate at least another pint.

Logan-My Little Helper
As of right now, Logan enjoys helping with housework. He has helped me put away the dishes from the dishwasher, wiped up the floor (with whatever "cloth" he has in his hand), and really likes to use the swiffer. I got the swiffer out the one day because Logan's balls all rolled behind the couch and I couldn't reach them. I retrieved the balls and placed the swiffer by the couch, the next thing I knew Logan was sweeping the rug. Check it out...
So proud and excited of his accomplishments.
Logan's Blankie
Logan has become attached to a few of his blankets. Both are fleece, one is blue with Thomas on it and the other has animals all over it. When he wakes up from his nap, I will go in to get him up and he will sit back down, pick up one of his blankets and then he is ready to be picked up. The one day, his animal fleece was in the dirty laundry, but he found what looked like his blanket in his pajama bin. It is a fleece sac that no longer fits him, but has the exact same animal pattern as his blanket. He has also been known to go through the dirty laundry to find his "blankie".
Here he found his sleep sac and is carrying it around the house!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Logan's Check up
We went to the doctor today for Logan's 12 month check up. I know he is 13 mos old, however, the day we were supposed to go in the office cancelled due to the flooding. Anyway, here are his statistics.
Height- 31 1/4in---86th percentile
Weight- 20.3 lbs---12th percentile
Head circumference-48.25 cm---92nd percentile
She said that he looks very healthy and that he scored very high on fine motor skills, which is rare for a boy. We were not able to get shots today, due to their system being down. So we get to go sometime later this week.
Logan's Cubby
Eating Firsts
I recently made brownies from scratch and allowed Logan to eat one of the beaters. It took him a little while to figure out how to do it but he eventually did.

Over the weekend, we got corn from a local farm. Logan helped Ben husk it. Logan thought that it was a game to see how much of the husk he could throw and not make it into the bag. After I cooked it, it was time to figure out how to eat it.
Mowing with Daddy
As I have mentioned, Logan loves to be outside. Well I left Ben and Logan at home one Saturday while I went to do a Pampered Chef Show. Ben had mentioned that he would probably try to mow the grass while I was gone. When I got back from my show, Ben told me that he had something to show me. Here is Logan ready to mow the grass.
Ben said that when he tried to take the headphones off, Logan got very upset. He also almost fell off the tractor trying to get the head phones. (Side note, the tractor was not on or moving).
Bread Night
Every Sunday night, we go to Panera and get all of their end of day bread. We bring it back to our house and wrap it and then our friend June distributes it to some of her neighbors and also to some senior centers. Logan always enjoys bread night, because he gets to eat some as well. Here are some pictures of him enjoying a baguette.

Also, one recent Sunday night June brought her grandson Chris and a friend over. While we wrapped bread, the teens played the Wii. Logan also got to "play" the Wii.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Meeting Isabella
As you can tell, while we were in PA we had a lot to do in a short period of time. One of the main things that we wanted to make sure that we got to do while we were in was to meet our newest niece Isabella. She was unable to attend Logan's birthday, because she is still in the hospital. However, she continues to gain weight and get stronger each day. 
Thank you Gwen (and the friend who watched the boys) for making it possible for us to meet your precious little girl. We continue to remember you in our prayers!
Where is Logan???
Before we left for PA, I was gathering up some last minute things in the kitchen and Ben was getting his shower. I heard Logan go back the hall and push the bathroom door open. Then I heard Ben saying that his feet were getting cold. I went back to see what was going on and this is what I found.
It always amazes the things he figures out to do.
Birthday Parties!
Logan was very fortunate this year. He got to celebrate with his friends/family in Oklahoma. 

Enjoying his cake.
Then we went to PA to celebrate with a lot more family.
Opening presents before his party. Thank you Uncle Will, Aunt Valerie, Graham, Baby C, and Gabriella.

Wanting to stick his fingers in his cake!
Enjoying his cake and ice cream.
Opening presents with Daddy!
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