Monday, May 10, 2010

Logan's choice of Delicacies

Logan will eat most anything. However, some of his most recent choice of delicacies include... -Frozen peas off the floor -Frozen blueberries (these have been really helpful during teething) -Bark -Fist fulls of dirt -Weeds (fresh from the garden)

This little piggy

Recently Logan, started coming up to Ben or myself and grabbing our toes. We can only figure that he wants us to recite This Little Piggy. The first time he did this was to Ben. It caught Ben off guard, especially since his feet are so ticklish.


Logan loves to eat most fruit, especially bananas, strawberries, kiwi, oranges, mangoes, and blueberries. One morning for breakfast I gave him a banana and he was inhaling it, until I got the camera, of course. So the video isn't as interesting, but I still that it is very cute. Then on Friday, I was out in the garden picking strawberries and Logan was sitting beside the garden. I gave him a few to eat and in his own way he kept asking for more. So when I came across a ripe one, I would toss it over to him. He would search in the grass and find it, then eat it. By the time I was done, he had strawberry from his head to his toes. This is just some of the evidence. P.S. A lot of strawberries one day, equals a lot of seeds in a diaper the next day. :)


Rather than have the television on all day, I have been putting some fun kids songs on to listen to. Well the one day we were listening and it seemed as though, Logan was singing along. Sorry that he disappears during the video, he was trying to look out the window. The next video is of Logan waving and singing.

Still not walking

Logan is still not taking steps by himself, which I am more than ok with. However, he is quite quick about getting around the furniture. Enjoy the videos.