Saturday, December 26, 2009
A White Christmas in OK
Overdue December Update
We finished off the month of November by taking Logan to the doctor for a possible ear infection. Unfortunately, he did have one. Then the following Monday, he went back to the doctor for his six month well baby check. His stats were as follows:
Height: 27 3/4" the 88th percentile
Weight: 17 lbs 11oz in the 51st percentile
Head Circumference: 44.75 cm in the 77th percentile
Just to give an idea how fast he is growing, from the week before to his well baby check up he had gained 7 ounces. The week after his well baby check Ben took him back for another possible ear infection. Fortunately, his ears were clear, the nurse said that it was probably just the fact that he is teething. He gained another 3 ounces at this appointment. So just in this month he has gained about 10 ounces.
Logan already has two teeth. We noticed the first one toward the end of November. Then Ben said that he thought that another one was poking through. But then he said nevermind, so I checked the next day and there was another tooth in there.
He is also becoming very mobile. At the beginning of the month, Logan could roll to get where he needed to go. Then he started scooting everywhere, but he mostly went backwards. Here are some pictures of how he backed himself up under the tv tray.

Next he started sticking his butt up in the air, in efforts to crawl. We found this to be very amusing and hopefully you will also. He puts soo much effort into "crawling."
He has learned to do the army crawl. He is getting places a lot quicker than he used to. He has also started pulling himself up on things. He did it twice on November 29, which was the first day that he did this. He has done it a couple more times since then, but he doesn't do it all the time.
Finally Logan loves to eat. He has moved from just rice cereal to vegetables some fruits and also finger foods. He gets so excited when it is time to eat. The one night we were trying to get him to eat carrots ( I think). Well he wasn't into them, so we offered him some smashed bananas. He wasn't sure at first but then he just started diving for them. We would give him a couple bites of carrots and then hold the spoon under his nose with the bananas. As soon as he smelled them, he would chomp down on the spoon. It was quite comical. Unfortunately when I grabbed the camera, he stopped doing it. Well I think this is a long enough update.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thanksgiving and Beyond
Ben and I decided to stay home for Thanksgiving. We invited one of our friends from church to come over and join us. It was such a relaxing day. We enjoyed the Macy's parade and really good food. Here is a picture of Logan in his Thanksgiving bib from Great Great Aunt Lisa. Thank you so much for thinking of this, because neither Ben nor I thought to get him something like this.
We even left him have some sweet potatoes, from a jar of course, and some mashed potatoes. He didn't care too much for the mashed potatoes.
Logan really enjoys eating. When we put him in his high chair, his feet and arms start moving until we offer his cereal to him. He is really good about letting me or Ben feed him. For the most part he doesn't try to help us with the spoon.
Grandma Smith sent Logan his first Christmas present that he was allowed to open.

I think that he was fascinated by the paper than the actual present.
A not so good first is that Logan has his first ear infection. I am so glad that he takes his medicine with no problems. Even though he has an ear infection he is still a lot of fun. Well I will call it quits for now. I will try to update next week after Logan's 6month check up.
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