Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Waking Up

I went into Logan's room yesterday to get him up from his nap. This is what I found when I walked in.Ready to get up and play!!! He covered himself up and had rotated himself in his crib.

4 Month Stat

I took Logan to the doctor for his 4-month well baby check up and shots at the beginning of the month. Here are his stats... Height- 26 1/2"-92% (He definitely doesn't get this from me!!!) Weight- 15 lbs 14 oz- 67% Head Circumference- 43.25 cm- 75% It just continues to amaze me at how quickly he has grown.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Newest Milestone

Logan is growing and learning so much. He has figured out how to make his toy on his chair play music. Before he would just sit and stare at the toys and now he actually interacts with them. This is how Logan keeps Ben company while he works in the kitchen. He has also figured out how to roll from his back to his belly. We thought that he did it last week, but didn't actually see him, so we weren't sure. However on Tuesday, he did it all day long. When we put him in his crib that night, he did it again. He was just staring at his crib mattress scratching it. It made for a long night because he would roll himself over and then get his arms and legs out of the railing. He obviously doesn't like to sleep on his belly, because he would wake up crying. Usually he just grunts to let me know that he is up.

Bubble Bath

On Monday, Ben was giving Logan his bath. We don't give Logan bubble baths, however, when he was in the tub he had some gas. Ben said that Logan enjoyed his hillbilly bubble bath.

Penn State Football

On Saturday, I got Logan all dressed in his new Penn State onesie and we went to a baby shower. When we got back we got to watch some of the game. Logan was lying on the floor playing when I turned the game on. As soon as I turned the tv on, he immediately turned to face that direction. He has just become so fascinated with the tv.

Logan and Lydia

I was really excited to get back to Oklahoma so that I could see the newest Montgomery girl, Lydia Grace. I was able to see her on Friday after we got home. On Tuesday, we decided to get some pictures of Logan and Lydia together.
Logan is almost 4 months and Lydia is almost 1 month.Logan just looks so big next to Lydia.Both of them moving
We are excited to watch them grow up together over the next few years.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


On our way back home we stopped in Tennessee for a few days. After we came out from eating breakfast, a guy said "Have you ever seen a drive thru wedding?" We hadn't until that day when we looked across the street and saw this...Yes this couple pulled up to the outside of this chapel and were getting married by a minister at a drive thru window. I think that we have seen most everything now.
We also went up to the Great Smoky Mountains which is the most visited national park. The longer we were there, the more the fog moved in until you couldn't even see the mountains anymore.

Fourth Generation Pictures and other Family Pictures

During the picnic after Logan's dedication, we were able to take some fourth generation pictures.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dedication and Picnic

Ben and I decided to have Logan dedicated in front of our family. I asked my uncle Kevin if he would be willing to do it while we were in and he agreed. After the dedication, we had a picnic so that we could see most of the family one more time before we headed back home.
Kevin giving Logan back to us after the prayer.Jenna holding Logan while Nathan gives him a kiss. Nathan had waited a long time to meet Wittle Wogan.
Logan with his Aunt Gwen. It was so nice for us to finally meet Isaac and also introduce Logan to the family. Thank you to everyone that we were able to see while we back east.

Makayla and Kevin's Wedding

The reason we went back east for a month was to celebrate the wedding of Makayla and Kevin. Makayla was a very beautiful bride and she had a beautiful wedding. (Sorry Kevin, but the wedding day is all about the BRIDE.)The Happy Couple!Makayla and I after the ceremony.The bridal partyFamily picture.

Baby Shower

The family had a shower for Logan. It was really nice to have a shower after he was born, because we were able to get some clothes that were in bigger sizes. Some highlights from the shower...Pictures of Logan on his cake that my mom made.
Tessa posing for the camera when she is supposed to be ready to take notes.A beautiful blanket made by Logan's great great Aunt Carol.Cute little crocsA homemade onesie by Alexis. First Steeler jersey. This was little Ben's favorite player.Homemade book from Logan's Great Grandma Smith.


I thought that it would be fun to get some finger paints for Austyn. I helped Austyn "finger paint," while Tessa helped Logan.Aside from this face, I think that Austyn enjoyed fingerpainting. He also enjoyed trying to rip the paper off the table. Tessa painted a smiley face on Logan's belly after she got Logan's footprints on paper.

A lot of updates to come...

I know that it has been forever since I was on here to update everyone about what has been going on in our lives. However, I am going to try and make up for lost time and put a couple of updates on today. So it has taken awhile, but Logan has finally met all of his grandparents. Here are some of the pictures. They are in the order that Logan met them. Mom, Tessa, Tesha and Austyn came down at the end of June. This is a picture of Grammy Crawford with Logan after she got off of work. Here is Logan playing with Grandma Smith when she came down to help us make our cross country trip. Logan was fascinated with her bright shirt. Pappy Crawford and Logan in deep conversation. Soon after we arrived Pap and Sharon came up to meet Logan. Sorry I cut Pap's head off. Logan with his Great Grandma Smith. Great Grandpap Smith putting Logan to sleep. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture Grandpap Smith with Logan. I will to get one the next time.