Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Logan's Dedication

Ben and I have decided to have Logan dedicated at our Oklahoma church and also at the Ryot church. We felt that it is important to have him dedicated at both places because our church family in Oklahoma will be helping to teach him and encourage us while we live there. The Ryot church will always be a part of his life, due to the fact that is where Ben and I met and grew up. Here are some pictures from the dedication in Oklahoma.

Pastor Kevin singing a beautiful prayer over Logan during his dedication.

I will post pictures of his dedication in Ryot after we have it on Sunday, September 20. The neat thing is that both of Logan's dedications will be performed by Pastor Kevins.

1 comment:

Montgomery's said...

I didn't know you dedicated Logan here in OKC. We would have come if we would have known about it, or were we out of town?