Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cross Country Trip

Logan recently made his first cross country trip. Due to the fact that I am in Makayla's wedding in September and needed to come in for her bridal shower in August, we decided it would be best if I came and stayed at my mom and dad's house for a month. Gwen came out and helped me drive back. It was so nice to have some help especially when Logan would get fussy and I would have to jump into the backseat to calm him down, she was able to take the drivers seat and we could continue to make progress. We only made one wrong turn, but that was because the GPS directions were a little confusing. However, it allowed us to get a really good picture of the Arch in St. Louis. On Thursday, we left about 8:15 and stopped for lunch about 12:30. We got Logan out and laid a blanket down on a picnic table so that he could stretch and move around before we got back on the road. We spent about 11 hours on the road before we stopped and stayed at a Ramada Inn. The next day we drove and had supper with Will, Valerie, Graham, Baby C, and Valerie's sister Rebekah. Thank you for the supper and dessert. It was great to finally meet Baby C and play with Graham again. On the way to Will and Valeries, I decided that since I had just fed Logan, we would go through the drive thru at McDonald's and just keep driving. Little did I know that Logan had not gotten enough to eat. We were on the road no more than five minutes and Logan started fussing. So I pulled over along a major highway and jumped in the back to see if I could calm him down. Gwen got into the drivers seat and was waiting for me to tell her when we were ready. I didn't realize when I pulled off that I was just a few feet from a sign that said "No stopping, standing or parking." I told Gwen that we weren't going anywhere for a couple of minutes, because I needed to feed Logan. I finished feeding him and just got him back into his seat, when I told Gwen that we were ready. She said that unfortunately we wouldn't be going anywhere for a little longer, because a cop had just pulled off up ahead of us. The cop proceeded to back up and then around us. Gwen has never been pulled over before, so she was a little unnerved. She got the registration, proof of insurance, and her driver's license out when the cop walked up to our car. He asked if we were ok and she told him that we had an emergency with the baby. He again asked if everything was ok. She told him yes and he told her that he would wait behind us until we were ready. I informed him that I just needed to jump back into the front of the car and then we would be good to go. He told us that he would angle his car out so that traffic would get over and then we should be able to get out. It was really convenient for him to come along and in the end help us to get back on the road. After supper, we continued on our journey and we spent Friday and Saturday night with Sandy, a friend from our last church. Here is a picture of Sandy with Logan before we went to church on Sunday. She was a wonderful hostess and made us feel at home. Thank you for opening up your house and the wonderful food, especially the vegetable soup and sugar cookies, that you provided us while we were there. It was nice to have a day of rest before we continued traveling on Sunday. It was also nice to see everyone at church. They made us all feel really welcome and missed. Everybody was really excited to meet Logan and to see me again.

Logan's Dedication

Ben and I have decided to have Logan dedicated at our Oklahoma church and also at the Ryot church. We felt that it is important to have him dedicated at both places because our church family in Oklahoma will be helping to teach him and encourage us while we live there. The Ryot church will always be a part of his life, due to the fact that is where Ben and I met and grew up. Here are some pictures from the dedication in Oklahoma.

Pastor Kevin singing a beautiful prayer over Logan during his dedication.

I will post pictures of his dedication in Ryot after we have it on Sunday, September 20. The neat thing is that both of Logan's dedications will be performed by Pastor Kevins.