Monday, July 27, 2009

Rodeo and smiles!

To start off, here is a picture of how big Logan has gotten. He is getting so long. Logan is usually happy after he eats in the morning and often smiles and "talks" to me, but I have never been able to catch it with the camera. On Friday, I was finally able to catch him while he was playing. I was so excited that I finally got a picture of his smile.
On Friday, we went to the Professional Bullriding in Guthrie,OK with some friends from church. None of us had ever been to the Lazy E Arena, so we were using the GPS to get there. It was one of the roughest rides we had ever been on. It took us on roads that we were surprised were even on the GPS. Needless to say, it took us a lot longer to get there than we were expecting. We still made it for the whole show. I told Ben before we went into the arena that I didn't know if I would have as much fun in the arena as I did trying to get there! Here are some pics from Logan's first rodeo.Opening Ceremony
Ben and Logan at Bullnanza
Ben was asking Logan if he wanted to go and see the bulls. This was Logan's reaction. A wild ride!
The following pictures are of Logan playing with me on Saturday morning. We have also started working with him to take a bottle. Last Monday, I had Ben give him his first bottle and he drank the whole four ounces with no problems. I wanted to make sure that this wasn't a one time deal, so we gave him a second bottle on Tuesday. He drank 4.5 ounces, but he was still acting like he was hungry. In fact, Ben was still holding him and Logan latched on to his arm. I went ahead and tried to feed him. He ended up eating off both sides. No wonder he has a Budda belly by the time he is finished eating. Well I hope that you have enjoyed the update and pictures.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Logan's first video online.

Logan has grown so much. It is hard to believe that he is already over a month old. I put him on the scale with me the other day and it said that he weighs 11 pounds. I am so glad that I am not on the diet that makes you gain 3 pounds in one month. Ben and I attempted to measure his length while he was lying on the floor on Saturday. We came up with 23 or 23 1/2 inches. He has become a lot more alert and is constantly looking around at everything. I am going to try and include a video of the first time I put one of his toys on the floor next to him. He initially was looking up at the ceiling, but then I turned the little piano on and it got his attention immediately with the flashing lights and music. In the video it kind of sounds like he is trying to talk to it. Unfortunately, the phone rang so I had to stop recording him. He has also discovered his mobile on his swing. He loves to just sit and watch it go around. I have also discovered that Logan loves to be outside. There have been a couple of days when he was being fussy, so I took him outside. As soon as we got outside, he was content and didn't make a sound. He just sat on my lap and looked around. This isn't really a good thing, because (1) there haven't been too many days that it hasn't been 100+ degrees, (2) I really don't like the heat, and (3) I don't like bugs. For some reason it seems that I am the only one they are attracted to. But I guess if it makes Logan stop crying, I am willing to take him outside, even if it is for just a few minutes. One other thing, we have figured out that he likes to sleep with his blanket up next to his face, just like I do.Well I will try to post more pictures soon, but I will have to wait until he wakes up to take some more pictures. I am still trying to catch him rolling over and also when he is smiling. One of these days I will be able to share them with you.