Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas and Baby Update

Well Christmas was very different for Ben and I this year. We didn't get to enjoy the normal family gatherings because we decided that we would be spending Christmas in Oklahoma this year. Fortunately, my Mom and Dad, sisters Tesha and Tessa, my brother-in-law Eugene, and nephew Austyn got to come and spend a week with us. Tesha's boyfriend Jacob arrived a few days after they did. They spent 26 hours in an RV to come see us. We enjoyed having everyone here. We really enjoyed Austyn, he is just such a little cutie. I made him a little hat and pair of mittens, but somehow we misplaced his mittens. I am sure we will find them, otherwise I will just have to make another pair. We had really nice weather while they were out here. In fact we got to go and sit on the back porch for a little while. Tesha decided to take Austyn to see our neighbor's horse, but Tessa wasn't too keen on the idea. She doesn't like horses. Anyway, since we stayed in our PJs most of the time, Tesha ended making a fashion statement when she put Ben's boots on. I am sure she will be so excited that I put this picture on here. It is always hard to say goodbye, especially when you don't know when you will see them again. I think the thing that Ben was most excited about was his BB gun that I got him for Christmas. Originally, I got it as a joke, but as Christmas got closer and closer, it seemed like he really wanted one. He has a squirrel that he is trying to get because it keeps eating all of the birdseed that we put out. Plus there are certain birds that he doesn't want to keep around. He gets this look on his face and you just know that he is on a mission. Eugene even got in on the action of trying to get the squirrel or birds. He was successful at getting a sparrow. So he got the first kill with the gun. Well I said this update was also about the baby. On Friday, we went for our sonogram and found out that I am having a BOY!!! The nurse asked us if we wanted to know and we said yes so she moved the wand down. The next thing we know she is telling us how proud he is. It was really neat to see him on that screen. At one point in time, he even waved to us. He seems like he is already ornery, because the nurse was trying to get a picture of his umbilical cord and just about the time she would get it in focus, he would hit it away. He also likes to hang out with his hand on his head like the picture shows. This next picture is of his face with his mouth open. The nurse said it looked like he was yelling at her, but I told her that he was probably yelling at us. The nurse said that he is about 11 ounces, but she didn't say how long. She also said that the one bone in his arm was 2.8 cm long. It is just hard to imagine something being that small. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see how much I gained especially going through the holidays. Ben left for Jacksonville, FL today. He found out Friday that he had to go. I was none too excited to hear this news. He will be there until Friday. I meant to have him take some pictures of me before he left, so I could show you how big I am getting, but I forgot. I guess you could say typical pregnant woman. These pictures are from a few weeks ago that I took while Ben was at work, so I am a little bigger at this point in time. 15 weeks- Taken on December 10. Well I think that is about it as far as our updates. When Ben gets back from Florida, we will be going and registering at Babies R' Us. I will send you an official email when we actually get this done. We sure do miss everyone and look forward to when we can see you all again. Love You!!!


Valerie said...

Congratulations guys! We're excited that Graham will have another boy cousin to play with. Tabatha, you look great! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Boys are so much fun!

We were just talking about you at the office the other day and wondering if you had a little belly yet. Cute. :) Hope you're doing well. Take good care of the little guy in your belly!

Joe said...

Gwen and I are glad everything's going well. And excited that there's going to be another Smith boy running around!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you two. Katelyn was asking about you. I know they all miss you.
No matter what you have you'll be wonderful parents. Wish we could hold that little guy.we'll just have to hold him up in prayers and near our hearts. You look cute does Ben.LOL!
Love your house. Loved the picture over the fireplace. What does the front of the house look like. Send me a picture.
June will be here before you know it.
When you're off to deliver..let us know real quick. We'll be in prayer.
Stay in touch.
We still love you 21/2.