Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Growing up too quickly
Why is it that kids have to grow so quickly??? It continues to amaze us how muchLogan has developed in just 5 months. He is getting better at sitting up by himself. Here is a video of him playing while sitting up.
He loves toys that play music and have dancing lights. Logan has also discovered his legs. He enjoys standing in his exersaucer while playing with a variety of toys.
He has even figured out how to turn to get the toys that are located behind him. While playing, he always seems to be concentrating so hard on what he is doing.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Logan's 1st Halloween
For Logan's first Halloween, we went to the church and participated in trunk or treat. Initially Ben thought that we were supposed to get a real trunk and decorate it. But I explained that we already had the trunk, it was the trunk of our car. He wasn't too excited to dress up as anything, so I tried to keep it as simple as possible. We decorated our trunk with balloons that were supposed to resemble M&Ms. Unfortunately, I didn't get any family pictures of us with my camera because the batteries died. But here are a few pictures after we got home.
Logan has been working on teeth. He drooled so much that his M was peeling off of his shirt by the end of the night.
Since we didn't take Logan trick or treating, he decided he would just enjoy his toes instead of candy. This is one of his new favorite things to do.
Eating Styrofoam
On Saturday October 31, Ben and I were eating french toast sticks for breakfast and Logan kept reaching for them. So I decided to let him try one of his rice "cookies." I pulled it out of the package and gave it to him. Normally he puts everything in his mouth, but he was a little puzzled by this and didn't immediately put it in his mouth. 
It sounded and dissolved just like styrofoam. Eventually, he did eat one whole rice cookie and he didn't make a huge mess with it. All I can say is I am glad I am not a baby and expected to eat that.

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