Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just a quick update!

So many of you have wondered what has been going on in our lives. Well to be honest, not too much. In the last month, my baby belly has definitely grown, which you will see. (Just a side note, these pics aren't the best, because Ben wouldn't tell me when he was actually going to snap the picture. And yes, my belly button has already started sticking out, which Ben thinks is the coolest thing.) Our baby, which we have been calling Logan, has definitely gotten bigger and more active. He also recognizes when Ben is talking and becomes more active during that time. In fact the one day, Ben was talking to my belly, and Logan was being very still. But when Ben stopped talking, Logan started kicking, almost as if on cue. Our house has started to be invaded by baby things. (A lady from our church has given us some things that her kids no longer play with.) Last week, I went on a cleaning/baking spree. Not sure what that was all about, considering it is a little too early to be considered nesting. The weather is showing signs of spring. We already have two dandelions in our backyard and there are numerous places that daffodils have already bloomed. Oh and today it is in the 80s. This is really strange considering normally we wouldn't be observing these signs of nature for at least another month back in PA.