Monday, February 9, 2009

What an exciting two weeks!!!!

On January 26, we got to experience our first Oklahoma ice storm. Ben knew that it was supposed to get bad out, so he told me that he would pick up the groceries I needed before he came home from his morning PT. In exchange for him doing this, I told him that I would make him breakfast when he got home. Well, after breakfast Ben went to work and I continued to do things around the house. I lost power for a few minutes in the morning, but then it came back on. Ben called at 1:45 and said that they had closed the base down and he was waiting for his car to thaw out and then he would be on his way home. Well I decided that I should probably get a shower before he came home. (I don't usually shower until the afternoon because of working around the house in the morning.) Shortly after I got in the shower, the lights dimmed and I was begging for just a few more minutes so that I could finish. Well needless to say I finished my shower in the dark. I thought that we weren't going to have power for a while, so I gathered up some candles and placed them in the bathroom. I also gathered up a flash light, so if we needed it we knew where it was. I was without power for 45 minutes. The power came back on right before Ben got home from work. You are probably wondering why it took Ben so long to get home when we only live 12 minutes from the gate that he uses. Well after he sat in the car for a few minutes and saw that traffic wasn't moving (the base released everybody at the same time), he went back up to his desk for a little while. We decided that we would brave the storm over at Rob and Amy's house. If we lost power again, they would at least still have hot water. Rob was pretty sure that they wouldn't have work in the morning. So we packed up some clothes and blankets and of course Settlers of Catan (Rob's favorite game at this point in time) and headed over there. We played Settlers until 2:30 am. According to the news, the guys still had to go to work in the morning, but it was still sleeting outside. We were getting ready to go to bed and the baby started to move around, well I told Ben to put his hand on my belly. He did and he finally got to feel him move. I was really excited for him to experience that. He is getting much stronger and so he is now able to feel it a lot more often. Well the power didn't go out and the guys did not have to go to work the next day. In fact the guys didn't go to work until Wednesday and even then they had a delayed start. In the night, it had snowed which usually doesn't happen in Oklahoma. We went out and played in the snow for a little while. The snow made it less slippery, so you could actually get around without sliding. Last week, Ben came home early on Tuesday with a fever. He went straight to bed and even ask that I put an extra blanket on the bed. I wasn't feeling all that good, but I thought it was because I had gone to the dentist earlier in the day. Once Ben came home, I began to suspect it was more than the dentist appointment. I made some chicken noodle soup, but it didn't seem to help us. Neither one of us got a lot of sleep that night. It was such a strange experience having Ben sick, usually he is the healthy one and has to take care of me. Another strange thing is having your stomach cramp and your baby kicking at the same time. One is such an unwanted feeling and one is so exciting to feel. Good news we are both feeling much better now and have gone back to our usual routines. The last part of our excitement happened on Saturday. It was a really nice outside, so we decided to do some things outside. We had purchased some bulbs a while back so we were going to plant them and hope that they will grow. There were some stumps and rocks in our front yard. We thought the former owners had used them just as decorations, but we found out they were actually using them to cover a cement slab and some posts. We started to move the rocks and when he flipped the one over, it was covered in ants. He got all excited and ran into the garage and got his torch. I thought he was just torching the ants to play around, but I found out otherwise later on. I told him to be very careful and NOT to catch the grass on fire. However the wind picked up at just the wrong time and sure enough, he caught the grass on fire. We had a shovel out there, so Ben tried to put the flames out with that. He told me to get the other shovel out of the garage, so I did. He tried to get the hose to work, but no water wanted to come out. I was definitely scared at this point, because the wind kept blowing and the fire kept spreading. Fortunately, the wind was not blowing in the direction of the house, but it was blowing the direction of the neighbors. The fire spread out to the road and we were able to finally able to get it put out. Here are some pictures of our new "improved" yard.