Saturday, November 22, 2008

A long overdue update!

Many of you are probably wondering why it has been so long since I updated our blog. Well, that is because we had a secret. I figured if I didn't update this, then I wouldn't be tempted to spill the beans as far as our secret goes. Finally, we are ready to let the whole world know what our secret is. If you haven't already guessed it, Ben and I are expecting a baby. The baby is due to arrive the beginning part of June. We are sooo excited about our upcoming arrival. It was extremely hard not being able to share our exciting news, but I am done keeping it a secret. Ben went with me to the doctor on Thursday, so that we could hear the heartbeat together for the first time. Our baby decided that it was going to be a little contrary (must be Ben's kid), but finally the nurse and the doctor were able to find it. It was probably the neatest thing either one of us have ever heard. Ben didn't say anything at the time, but after the appointment he informed me that when they couldn't find it, he was a little concerned. The doctor says that all is well and that we have nothing to be concerned about. Ben has just been amazing over the last couple of weeks dealing with me. I never thought that he would be so caring and willing to help, but he has really went above and beyond my expectations. Some updates as to what else has been going on in our lives for the past two months. Well as many of you know, we spent all of September and part of October in Alabama. It was really nice to meet other Air Force wives and form friendships that definitely got us through our time in Alabama. The group that I hung out with just really seemed to click. We did many things together including shopping, watching chick flicks, cooking, and of course a lot of talking. I really miss them, but the internet is so wonderful and has been assisting in keeping up with each other. We also got to go back to PA for a few days when Ben's grandfather had passed away. It was a really sad reason to go in, but seeing all of our family was definitely worth it. Even though we haven't been gone long, it is amazing how quickly you forget what things look like in the different seasons. I can honestly tell you that PA is much prettier than OK in the fall. Many of our family in PA and friends in OH are already telling us that they got their first snow, however, it doesn't look that is in our forecast any time soon. I kind of think this is a disappointment since I love to play in the snow. I guess I will just have to look forward to ice storms. I think that when they finally get here, I probably will not be doing much outside those days. Finally, Ben has been cutting firewood so that once we get our chimney cleaned, we can heat the front part of the house with a fire. Well, shortly after we got back from Alabama, I went and helped him. He cut the firewood, while I stacked and put it in the truck. I told him that he is not allowed to be out cutting wood unless he has someone with him. So last weekend, he asked Rob to go along and assist, since I really shouldn't be doing that type of work. Well, this is what happens when two guys work together and know each other too well. Yes that is right, they start dressing like each other. I can tell you that neither one of them talked to the other, but this is how they were dressed, while working with one another.